
Showing posts from February, 2020

From all angles

Never are angles more important, more game-changing, more defining, than when walking around the city of Valparaiso. Each time I walk the same street in Cerro Alegre or Cerro Concepcion from a different direction, or even from the same direction but looking a different way, I see it from a new angle, in a new light, and a whole new world is revealed. A different mural on a huge wall, a tiny corner painted with a happy surprise, a secret staircase, a sea view, a perfect mix and mesh of bright colors. There are times, too, where I’ll find myself in what I believe to be a foreign place, a new and as yet undiscovered (by me) place, only to turn slightly and realize I’ve totally been here before, more than once. In fact, it’s very familiar - I’m just now seeing it from a different angle. And what is this experience if not a fantastic metaphor for life. I think I will put some intention towards seeing things from different angles for the next few weeks to see how it changes my world, ...